Thank you for your partnership in praying for the mission on Abaco. We are so excited about what God is calling us to do in but we know that it is a whole team of people that God is calling, Please partner with us by praying for us and the ministry often.
Current Prayer List
That we continue to find adult leadership for our G2 youth program.
For the government of The Bahamas. Tourism is essential to our economy, but fear of virus spread is causing restrictions to travel.
That the team's eyes are focused on Christ and the work that He has enlisted us to do. (2 Timothy 2:3-4)
That God continues to provide partners both in funding and in prayer support.
Pray for the community of Marsh Habour, Abaco. That God will continue to show Himself to the hurting and broken people. That God will use Caribbean Youth Network (CYN) and Kirk of the Pines to spread His love and grace.
Our friends and family whom we miss and miss us.