I know it's a Tom Petty song, but every time I think of those words, I can't help but think of:
Homeschooling is going fairly well three weeks in. Carrie has mentioned that this is going to prepare us for the island. Since we are recording worship services, and putting out more content at church, my Director of Electronic Media title is coming in to play a bit more, causing me to spend some hours in the office.
We've hit a wall support-raising, as we cannot meet with people. We had a trip to Orlando scheduled for two weeks from now for a support-raising dessert, which has now been cancelled. My commencement ceremony for RTS has been canceled. But the Hendricksons are doing well. We have started Olympic week in honor of the postponed Summer Games. Sunday, we divided up into three teams: China, - Carrie & Soren, Canada - Pete & Paisley, and Djibouti - Barrett & Cortina. We are doing silly games and assigning point values. At the end of the week, the winner gets to celebrate Easter, while the losers don't (we haven't come up with an actual prize yet).
You can pray for our patience as we await the news of our house sale, patience in homeschooling, and people willing to have meetings via Zoom. We'll pray for you as well, if you let us know how.